IMI Music: Association for the promotion of Independent Musicians from Italy
Web Piano Resources Quiescence Music: Featuring free online piano lessons for beginner adults.
Music for Pianos: Large Classical Piano Midi Library by Eric Halstead.
Play Piano Now: Jan Durrant's online piano lessons.
Al's Piano Music: free piano music midi downloads dedicated to promoting piano music.
The UK Piano Page: Includes piano history information and many UK piano resources. All Piano Sheet Music: Download classical piano sheet music The Keyboard Workshop: Duane Shinn's Piano Lessons. On line piano lessons and piano books.
Whisperings Solo Piano Radio
Musicians and Pianist Suzanne Ciani: Pioneering pianist/composer in electronic music
Ludovico Einaudi: pianist/composer
Keith Philips: Solo pianist and keyboardist featuring CDs, sheet music, and other piano resources.
John Schmidt: New age pianist/composer offering sheet music, CDs, instruction tips.
Steven Cravis: pianist/composer